Meet the Team

Who Are We

We are a group of down to earth artists and friends, bound together by our passion for digital technology and the impact on human experience. Our group would always be ‘Cooking Up’ a newly inspired digital experience unseen locally and share it amongst the group, that’s how Pixel Chefs was born.

What Keeps us Motivated?

Our Passion

We’re ‘mind blown’ by the overwhelming effect that the evolution of digital has had on our world today and we hardly sleep waiting to find out what tomorrow will bring.

Our Purpose

We subscribe to the idea that we can fast track our success and become the best version of ourselves if we help others succeed. We hope to Engage & Connect with more of our peers, with more customers and audiences throughout the world 1 Pixel @ A Time, by activating bold creative concepts with disruptive emerging technology.

Meet The Core Team

Kym Fiala

Creative Director
Personal Motto

“Life is a great big canvas, throw all the paint you can on it!”

Click below to view Kym’s Personal Effects:

Dylon Fiala

Creative Director
Personal Motto

"Creativity is intelligence having fun."

Click below to view Dylon’s Personal Effects:

Nelson Rebolo

Creative Director
Personal Motto

“3d artist by day, 3d artist by night...kinda obsessed”

Click below to view Nelson’s Personal Effects:

Neil Ndlovu

Creative Director
Personal Motto

"A Red piller of sorts…I connect those imaginary dots”

Click below to view Neil's Personal Effects:

Alecia Manuel

Operations Manager
Personal Motto

" Retain Consciousness. Work Hard. Have Fun. Add Value. Make a Difference"

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