Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual Reality (VR)

This is defined as the creation of a computer generated and digital world that offers a sensory experience including sound, light and sometimes touch. The experience allows the user to be absolutely engaged and focused within that environment and interact as if it were real life.  It is claimed that VR is the most immersive and connected digital experience.

Our world is in the midst of a transformation. Physical and digital realities are increasingly converging. VR is set to change the way we shop, work, learn and play in the future. Today the world is realising the  true value of VR  to improve key human functionality, including pain therapy, PTSD, business communication, training & education, healthcare, tourism, manufacture and architecture to name a few.

We are most looking forward to exploring the VR tech as it updates. The projects we have worked on have been inspired, engaging and connecting.

View our Virtual Reality showreel

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Our Virtual Reality services include:

Oculus Development

HTC Vive Development

Mobile VR Development

360 Animation

Ready to emmerse your audience in your story in the most dynamic and emotive way?
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